Saturday, October 30, 2010


This was an interesting lesson to look at. I have heard of podcasting before, but not in an educational sense. My youger sister subscribes to some, and when I go visit she will show me some of them. They are all entertainment based. One thing I didn't know is that you can download podcasts to other devices than a computer. I thought that was very interesting and that it brought a new light to what can be done with podcasts.
In regards to what we have learned about social media, I feel as thought podcasting definitley has some of the qualities. It is a way to communicate with a very large group of people. This is one similarity that everything we have discussed so far has in common. You can subscribe and or create to different podcast which is another similarity. I think the fact that it is not limited to computers would be a difference; however, I think it still fits under a social media category.
I do own a basic iPod, and I really only use it as a devise to listen to music while I workout. I had never thought about it in this sense. It would be fantastic to be able to listen to a podcast from a class while I workout. I think that all of the information we learned in regards to using podcasting in the classroom (whether from computers or media players), was very very helpful. It provided some really neat insight. I think it would be a great tool to maybe create notes or lectures for students to go back and listen to if they are having trouble comprehending the first time, or missed a lesson. I also think it could be as an assessment, for students to create their own and discuss what they are learning. I believe that podcasting, along with all of the other tools, are fantastic supplemental ideas. I don't think we should ever rely solely on one type of communication. Students still need to build face to face communication and physical reading and writing skills. Some of that is limited with podcasting. However, I still believe it is a fantastic tool to use as a supplement to the classroom.
Podcasting in English. You Tube video. Posted on E college (TAMU- Commerce). 2010

Jonassen, David. Meaningful Learning with Technology. Third Edition.Pgs 159-161.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Web 2.0

In this weeks lesson we were exposed to Web 2.0, or social forms of technology. I must admit that each week I am very intrigued by what we learn about and what I didn't realize technology was capable of providing to us as future educators. I think blogs and wikis will be an amazing supplement to my classroom someday. I currently work for the training department of a corporate organization and we have recently spent time researching social networking and what it offers. My director actually sent me the link to the videos on wikis and social bookmarking that were provided in the lecture. They were the first thing I recalled when I entered this weeks lesson, and I thought it was interesting that they were being used here as well. I want to teach math someday and I thing that both wikis and blogs would be great tools to not only reason through math, but also allow students to communicate and come to solutions regarding math problems. I also think that blogs would be an excellent way to allow students to journal about the class and how they are doing in certain areas.

I was very intersted in social bookmarking. In this class alone I have already bookmarked a ton of sites, and I know this is probably a minimal amount in comparison to what is avaialble to me. I also think it's great that it is public. This would allow someone to predetermine accurate sites to use in their classroom. Students could be directed to use the links on the bookmarking site, or add relevant sites. Voicethread was actually something I had never heard of prior to this lesson. I was really interested in how it worked. I felt like it was a great tool. I think blogs and wikis are very interesting, but there is no voice behind it. It was intersting to see a way in which you can still have discussion online without eliminating the voice factor.

Tapped In is also a new topic to me. I felt that it is probably a tool that could end up being very useful to me. What I liked about it was that it is a community of people from all over the world. This allows someone to not limit their communication to only educators in their school or district. If I am struggling in the classroom, I could find out information from educators all over. I also like the way that even though it is public, you do have the ability to have a private conversation. I remember reading this section of the chapter and wondering why any teacher would not want to open up to what technology allows to offer.


Jonassen, David, Howland, Jane, Marra, Rose, and Crismond, David. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. 99-135. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall

LeFever, Lee. (2007) "Social Bookmarking in Plain English." Dailymotion. Retrieved on October 15, 2010.

VoiceThread. (2007). Retrieved on October 16, 2010.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Assessments and E Portfolios

Assessment activities are used to assess the learner. In other words, to determine how much information the learner has retained or can recall. There are many types of assessments available ranging from pen and paper to technological possibilities. If assessments were not available or performed, then it would be nearly impossible to determine how effective the lesson at hand is being taught. Once an assessment is performed, it can tell an instructor so much valuable information concerning a learners strenghts, weaknesses, and even the qualities of the lesson. Therefore allowing future improvement.

Generally speaking, a portfolio is a collection of work. It is composed of someones best work in order to show the type of work they are capable of performing. An e-portfolio is an electronic version of a portfolio. It allows someone to still compose there best work and reflect on it, but in a much simpler concise manner. There are benefits to e-portfolios. All of the work is stored and can be viewed by anyone if you allow it. This enables the candidate to show it to anyone without having to actually be there. It also helps to keep all of the information in one spot and organized efficiently. It helps both teachers and students by allowing assessment on ones skills. Both the teacher and the student can review the work, along with the reflections, and determine the level of understanding and where growth can be achieved. Computer based testing is an assessment that is given on a computer. I feel that this valid means of providing assessment, assuming that the testing is created thougtfully, and that the testing areas are monitored.

I was really interested in reading about the electronic portfolio. We have talked so much throughout my education courses about creating a portfolio and I think that this is a really good way to allow high access to your abilities, as well as combine and keep everything organized. I also think it is a great tool to comprehend as an educator. I highly agree with the book and the negative impact that "teaching the test" can have on students. I have always felt that it is more important for students to understand the why's and how's or what teach as opposed to memorizing specifics. In math, if you can reason through, you can solve almost anything, but I see so many students just trying to memorize a formula.


Jonassen, David, Howland, Jane, Marra, Rose, and Crismond, David. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. 217-239. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall