Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Copyright Laws

Understanding and following copyright and fair use rules is important because for one thing, it's the law. Secondly, it is respect for the original creators of the work. The laws were created to protect the publisher of a piece of work. This is important to remember because, if you spent a long time and alot of hard work writing a book, then you probably want the credit for it. Without these laws, other people could claim it as there own and there would be nothing you could do about it. I think that I would bring this point up in class. Possibly even create an activity where students could see first hand what it would be like to spend time working on something, and another person receive credit for the piece.

Online safety and cyberbullying are not necessarily the same thing; however, they can lead to each other. Being safe can help prevent cyberbullying. We have to help students to understand how to be safe and secure online. We also have to help parents to understand the importance as well. With the world being so involved in technology, and a large part of communication being done the same way, it is important for students to understand the need for politeness. Once you read and interpret something a certain way, it is hard to change that thought. Therefore, it is imperative that students learn about netiquette and how to portray their tone in words. Doing so, will also help with cyberbullying, as a student would be less likely to offend someone.

This weeks activites were extremely eye opening for me. I learned a ton of new information. I began by reading over the first assignment that was 12 pages, and in all honesty, I didn't obtain as much information as I should have. I made a 50 on the quiz. There was so much information, and it just seemed like it was repeating. I have to admit that I really thought I knew and understood copyright laws better than I do. I was very relieved to see the "cheatsheet" and I saved it to my desktop immedietaly. I also saved all of the links from the lecture into my discussion. The quiz is where I felt as though I learned the most. I realized how many details of a situation can determine whether you are breaking the law or not.

What really stood out in my mind, is that, I am about to graduate. I only had one last class to take this semester before internship. I only signed up for this class because I needed another class to qualify for financial aid, and I figured that I might as well choose something that would benefit me in my career. In my entire education, I have never once been informed of all the rules and aspects of copyright laws. I only ever hear it when teacher's discuss citing our work. If it hadn't been for this lesson, I am sure that I would have not known how indepth it can be. After this lesson, I can not honestly say that I have never used copyrighted works in a manner that is unlawful. This is eye opening because if I didn't know I was doing it, I can only imagine what students don't know they are doing.


Fryer, Wesley. Copyright 101 for Educators. 2003. Retrieved September 29, 2010.

Carnell, John. Bullying UK.  Retrieved September 29, 2010.

CopyRight Quiz. Retrieved September 29, 2010.

Joilet, Francis. A Visit to Copyright Bay. 2002. Retrieved September 29, 2010.

U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright. 2010. Retrieved September 29, 2010.


  1. I can honestly say that at some point I probably have used a copyrighted item in an unlawful way.It's scary to me after studying this lesson that it is so easy to break these laws in some way. I took the quiz and I made a 68% on it. That told me that I have a lot to learn about these copyright and fair use laws. This lesson taught me alot, but I plan to familiarize myself more on this subject before I become a teacher. As far as cyberbullying and online safety goes we need to teach our students to act properly on the internet as you have said and teach them the consequences they will encounter if they don't.

  2. I have broken copyright laws in the past, too. I will be very careful not to do it now that I know more about them. It is very important for us to show our students/kids these laws because you are not born knowing this stuff.

    Did anyone read the real-life case(s) of teens who were the victime of cyberbullying? I read one about a 15 year old who met some guy online and all this bad stuff happened to her. I don't have children, but it made me fear for my daughter.

    It is scary how easy it is with modern technology for people to ruin other peoples' lives. I do not take online safety lightly for young people!! It is a privelage to have this technology available for its ease in public communication and safety measures must be water-tight. Who else agrees with me?

  3. Nathan: Yeah, I've read/seen reports of several teens and even preteens (I think the youngest was 10 or 11) who were the victims of cyberbullying and wound up committing suicide. Obviously, not everyone who is a victim of cyberbullying is going to committ suicide, but these sad cases highlight for everyone to see that the things that happen online can have very tragic real-life repercussions.

    As we become a world that is ever more "connected," wifi hotspots, 3G, 4G, smartphones, we have to recognize the possible dangers associated with it. Whether it is cyberbullying or someone on Facebook seeing you commenting about how great your trip to Mexico is going and breaking into your house because they know you're gone, as a society we need to be proactive and protect ourselves rather than hoping others are trusting and kind and won't abuse the information that is put out there.

  4. I agree, pictures, comments, any number of things predators can use against you to gain access to you, or your loved ones.
